repurpose la gi

Most environmentally conscious individuals are well aware of the basics of living green; refuse, reduce, reuse, repair, recycle, and rot. Keeping these things in mind while choosing products for your home page goes a long way toward reducing your carbon footprint on our planet. You can apply these principles lớn nearly every item in your home page, but finding a way is tricky sometimes. If you find you have some of the following products lurking around your home page, below are 9 ideas for repurposing everyday household items you probably haven’t considered!


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1. Butter Wrappers

Keep those wrappers from your sticks of butter! Store them in a container or Ziploc bag and pull one out lớn grease your cookie sheets and pans instead of using cooking spray.

2. Razors

Approximately 2 billion disposable razors are thrown into our landfills every year according lớn the EPA. Do your part lớn cut down on this by increasing the shelf life of your razors. After each use, rinse your razor and give it a quick blast with your hairdryer. A dry razor will stay sharp longer and avoid rusting; giving you up lớn twice as many shaves from each blade. Once your razor has passed it’s prime, use it lớn shave pills from your sweaters.

3. Tissue Boxes

There are hundreds of clever ways lớn reuse a tissue box! If someone in your home page is sick, you know you will have used tissues scattered about. Avoid the mess (and sharing germs!) by tying an empty tissue box lớn the new one with a piece of twine or string. This makes a handy place lớn dispose of used tissues as they are used. There are endless craft options and they make great storage containers. Just cut the top off at the corners, wrap it in scrapbooking paper and embellish with ribbon or string lớn create beautiful containers for office supplies, recipes, seasoning packets, and much more.

4. Vegetable Bags

Stuff those nylon mesh vegetable bags with natural fibers and cloth such as cốt tông and wool and hốc from a tree lớn supply birds with great nesting materials. You can also include items such as string, cloth batting, feathers, and animal hair.

5. Shower Curtains

Whether you are updating the décor in your bathroom or you have a shower curtain that has seen better days, that old shower curtain still has a lot of use in it. Shower curtains are a great way lớn think outside the box when it comes lớn repurposing household items. They can be used as table coverings for picnic tables, or as drop cloths while painting. In the winter, skip scraping your windows by cutting the curtain down lớn size and placing it on the windshield overnight. Peel it off in the morning lớn instantly clear your windshield!

6. T-Shirts

There is an estimated 13 million tons of clothing in our country’s landfills. A staggering amount of donated clothing items wind up there as well. Instead of throwing away old t-shirts, repurpose them. Cut the fabric into squares the size of baby wipes lớn make reusable cleaning wipes and dryer sheets. You can also cut the sleeves and neck out of the shirt, and cut strips along the bottom hem and tie together lớn create reusable shopping bags.

7. Sock Singles

No one knows where the mates lớn socks mysteriously disappear lớn, but it’s an epidemic that invades every home page. You may be tempted lớn throw the loner away, but there are many uses for it around the house. Socks make great rags that you can fit over your hand lớn clean your blinds, ceiling người yêu thích blades, toilets, floors, and more. Socks are also great for storing pieces lớn games and other small items that are easy lớn lose.

8. CD Spindles and Cassette Cases

Reuse old cassette cases and CD spindles lớn store rolled cables and lớn make clever gift thẻ holders. Make a decorative insert and place it in the cassette with a gift thẻ inside. You can skip the expensive greeting thẻ and create a memorable and unique way lớn package your gift.

9. Cardboard Beverage Carton

The cardboard carrier that holds a four or six pack of your favorite beverage can be used as a handy condiment carrier for your next picnic or outing. Decorate it with scrapbook paper or paint it, and store your tomato sauce, mustard, utensils, napkins, etc., in each slot.


While we avoid using single use products, sometimes it may be necessary. Always stretch the life of these things lớn their limits and get as much out of them as possible. Most disposable items can be used multiple times if cared for properly. When it comes lớn household items, their lifespan is only limited by our imagination. Look for creative ways lớn repurpose items for storage, gifting, and decorating. By using these tips for repurposing everyday household items and creating your own, you can dramatically cut down on your family’s contribution lớn our nation’s landfills.


Our thanks lớn Craig Scott, Editor at Green and Growing for putting together this post of tips on repurposing everyday household items for us lớn share with you.